Sunday, 4 November 2012

Why Do you Need Teen Braces

Braces? Many teens dread teen braces, but they end up getting them anyway. While most kids are excited about getting them, a good number don't want braces mostly because they feel as if it will ruin their social life if they do. But what are braces all about and why do many kids and teenagers need them?

Many teens don't have the perfect set of teeth they and their parents want them to have. To find out why people need braces, it may be a good idea to talk about how your teeth are growing. After your baby teeth fell out in childhood, they were replaced by permanent adult teeth. All teeth have more or less the same basic makeup. Although for some teens and adults the teeth grow at the correct position, many people are not as fortunate.

Some teeth overlap or grow crooked. In some cases teeth may twist or rotate. Also, some teens just have mouths that are too small, which tends to crowd the teeth and make it difficult to shift positions. At this point, you may think that the only reason to go for braces is because you have crooked teeth and therefore a crooked smile. This however is not always true. There are many teens and adults who need braces for other reasons.

Some people, both teens and adults alike, were born with unequal jaw size. This leads to a condition called "bad bite" or malocclusion. If your upper jaw is bigger than your lower jaw, you will most likely an overbite. If your lower jaw is bigger, then you will most likely have underbite. Thus, even if you have straight, beautiful teeth but have bad bite, you may need to have braces. 

Crooked teeth and malocclusion should be treated with teen braces. These bad bites can interfere with proper chewing and teeth that are not optimal condition simply do not work as well as those straight ones. Chewing is the first part of eating and digestion so it is important that your teeth can properly do its job. Misaligned teeth are harder to keep clean and brush thoroughly. Chances are you will have lots of spots which are harder to reach, causing unwanted cavities and tooth decay.

Needless to say, most teenagers face are at a point in their lives when they feel self-conscious about their general appearance. A set of crooked teeth doesn't help anyone feel confident about their smile and their looks. The improved aesthetics provided by teen braces are just as important to note as its health and hygiene aspect. Teen braces will provide not only straight teeth and a beautiful smile, but they can give teens the confidence to do their best in all their activities.

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